Category: Reprint Fiction

  • Sharp Undoing

    By: Natasha King (3780 words) Sure enough we could not outrun the hoverbikes. Understandable—yes? Yes. We were a new thing, a sharp thing; not a fast thing. So we stood and panted, and the bikes idled a few handsbreadths above the rain-slick tarmac.

  • Contact Light

    By: Sofia Samatar (3300 words) After the fight my leg was raw, torn open from knee to ankle, slick with antibiotic membrane from the infirmary. The moonscape lay bald as an eye.

  • can i offer you a nice egg in this trying time

    By: Iori Kusano (3000 words) Matt tells the waiter he’ll have his eggs over easy. They come back scrambled, a neat glistening pile framed by perfect triangles of toast, a lacy froth of hashbrowns lurking across the plate.